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Son, Peter McCarroll immigrated to Montreal, Quebec, Canada and married Elizabeth Hanamney on 23 Mar 1847.  On the marriage record (written in French) it stated that Peter was the eldest son of Thomas McCarroll and Ann Hackett (name is difficult to read) from Tyrone, Ireland. 

Does anyone have any information on this family?  I have substantial information on the family living  in Canada and the United States which I am happy to share

Patty Ryan Crawford


Monday 21st Dec 2015, 02:35AM

Message Board Replies

  • Sorry no  Irish  data. I have a friend in scotland  who sings in the church choir with me called Tom McCarroll.

    I will talk to them after  Christmas and New Year celebrations and let you know  if they have any info. We are having a  break from tomorrow until 2016.



    Tuesday 22nd Dec 2015, 07:41PM
  • Have info McCarroll Tyrone and US


    Monday 17th Feb 2020, 09:14PM

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