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i am looking for information on my gg grandmother she was born their mary elizabeth green born 1806 

Sunday 17th Jan 2016, 07:00PM

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  • Welcome to Ireland Reaching Out!

    You did not mention the religious denomiation was for Mary Elizabeth Green. The RC and Presbyterian records start much later than 1806. Not sure about the C of I records and they are not available on Roots Ireland.

    The 1823 Tithe listing for the parish shows eight Green records.…

    The 1861 Griffiths Valuation head of household listing for the parish does show four Green records.

    Roger McDonnell

    Castlemore Roscommon, IrelandXO Volunteer ☘

    Sunday 17th Jan 2016, 08:40PM
  • she was born their she later married william armstrong reed i belive they where catholic pretty certain they then left for canada 


    Sunday 17th Jan 2016, 09:01PM
  • i think the 1823 one would be closer 


    Sunday 17th Jan 2016, 09:02PM
  • their must be a marriage records for them i am sure 


    Sunday 17th Jan 2016, 09:37PM
  • Fred:

    The RC parish register is here   Marriages start in 1872.


    Castlemore Roscommon, IrelandXO Volunteer ☘

    Sunday 17th Jan 2016, 10:03PM
  • ok i just found her brother charels e green sr born 1808 he had a sonhis name was charles e green jr text was not used charles jr was irish catholic so i assume mary elizabeth marg green was also irish catholic charles jr was born in 1855 thanks for your help i hope that was more helpful i did not have this information when i first sent you a message and also charles jr was also born in monaghan as well thanks


    Sunday 17th Jan 2016, 10:37PM
  • ok i just found her brother charels e green sr born 1808 he had a sonhis name was charles e green jr text was not used charles jr was irish catholic so i assume mary elizabeth marg green was also irish catholic charles jr was born in 1855 thanks for your help i hope that was more helpful i did not have this information when i first sent you a message and also charles jr was also born in monaghan as well thanks


    Sunday 17th Jan 2016, 10:45PM
  • a family of three in a generational gap must be some record on them considering my gg uncle lived in monaghan since 1808 to at least 1850 and his 2 kids being a irish catholic family


    Sunday 17th Jan 2016, 10:48PM

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