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I am looking for info regarding the family of Patrick GRIFFY and Catherine "Kate" RYAN of Kilfenora (Doctors Hill)

They are found on the 1866 census of Kilfenora with three sons, John age 7, Michael age 5 and Thomas age 2. Children born later are Catherine b/d 1866, James b 1870, Edward b 1872 and Catherine Louise b 1873.

They are NOT the Patrick GRIFFY and Catherine RYNNE of Kilfenora village. That's a separate family whose records are interspersed with mine in the Kilfenora parish records. :-)

I am looking for a marriage record (which would be pre-1858), birth records or any information regarding their families.

Friday 29th Jan 2016, 06:31PM

Message Board Replies

  • kmikaelian:

    Welcome to Ireland Reaching Out!

    The records for Kilfenora RC parish are not on Roots Ireland. Here is a link to the online parish register. I would search the register for the marriage record. Below also is a link to the 1855 Griffiths Valuation head of household listing for Kilfenora parish. There are three Patrick Griffy records listed.

    Let me know if you have any questions. I'm curious where did you find an 1866 census for Kilfenora?

    Roger McDonnell

    Castlemore Roscommon, IrelandXO Volunteer ☘

    Friday 29th Jan 2016, 07:08PM
  • Hi Roger and thank you

    I've had no luck finding a marriage record in Kilfenora for Patrick Griffy and Kate Ryan. I'm wondering if they were married elsewhere. I have found all the children's baptismal records, with the notable exception of my great-grandfather, Thomas. The relevant page in the parish records online (Apr 1864) is completely washed out and illegible. :-(

    Here's the link to the transcription of the 1866 census of Kilfenora from the Clare County Library:…


    Sunday 31st Jan 2016, 03:36AM
  • Hi Kathleen,

    Just saw your post and wondered did you find the marriage record because this might be it in Milltownmalbay parish also know as Kilfarboy:

    The marriage date was 17th Feb 1857 which predates John's birth of about 1859, the timing looks about right.

    Looking further I found a baptismal entry for Catherine Ryan duaghter of Edward Ryan and Joan Russen on or after 6th April 1834. The entry is on the right hand page in the top quarter of this image:

    Hope this helps


    Eric MacInerney

    Saturday 3rd Nov 2018, 10:01PM
  • Thank you, Eric. This may be the right marriage record. And the right birth record. Of course, "Catherine Ryan" is such a common name that it would be impossible to know for sure...


    Sunday 4th Nov 2018, 03:32PM

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