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I am looking for information about my great grandmother Catherine Conners b.1836, of Loher, who immigrated to the US. Some of her siblings immigrated but there may have been some who remained in Ireland. I would appreciate any information about my great grandmother's family but would especially like to connect with cousins who are still in Ireland.

Cartherine Connors parents were Patrick Connors b. 1801, Mary Shea b. 1805

Siblings all born and baptized in Loher were- Guliemum b. 1831, Abbigail b. 1834, Mary b. 1838, Johanna b. 1840, Stephen b. 1842, Ellen b. 1845, Catherine b. 1836.

My niece was able to find my great grandmother's house and took a photo standing inside of the ruins, looking out on Ballenskelligs Bay. I would like to find information about where her parents are buried as well as any information on family that remained in Ireland. I would be thrilled to find cousins who would like to connect!

Maureen Carey

Monday 15th Feb 2016, 04:30PM

Message Board Replies

  • Maureen:

    I will also refer this message to our parish liaison in Kilcrohane parish.

    Roger McDonnell

    Castlemore Roscommon, IrelandXO Volunteer ☘

    Monday 15th Feb 2016, 05:21PM
  • Thank you so much for your help!

    Tuesday 16th Feb 2016, 01:09AM

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