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My Great Grandfather Jeremiah Francis Sullivan was born on his father's farm in Foilmore, in 1857. His parents were Timothy O'Sullivan and Ellen McGillicuddy. His uncle farmed in Foilmore as well, Michael O'Sullivan. He was Roman Catholic. I have only been able to confirm the properties on the Griffith's Valuation.
I am planning my visit to the area for early October of this year, and I would love to connect with someone in the area that could provide some direction to further my research.

All Best,



Tuesday 6th Sep 2016, 11:41PM

Message Board Replies

  • Janet:

    Welcome to Ireland Reaching Out!

    The RC parish for Foilmore would be Caherciveen. Records start in 1846   You can use this free site to search for siblings. Have a great trip!

    Roger McDonnell

    Castlemore Roscommon, IrelandXO Volunteer ☘

    Wednesday 7th Sep 2016, 12:01AM
  • Hi Janet, 

    It appears that you are searching for my great grandfather as well. Jeremiah Francis Sullivan was the father of Eugene Thomas Sullivan, my grandfather.  Eugene Thomas was born in Chicago to Jeremiah Francis Sullivan and Bridget Donoghue. How did your trip go? Were you able find anything to further your research?


    Maureen Alesi 


    Tuesday 29th Nov 2016, 12:43AM

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