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Hello there,

My name is Tamzine, I am researching my Irish roots.  I recently did my dna test and it came back as 40% Irish. i was extremely surprised  I lived in Dublin for 3 years over 3 years ago and had no idea!  quite annoying now living back in Sydney and starting my research. 

Firstly I am researching my 4th Great grandfather Denis Hingerty b, 1814 Monsea and his wife Anne Grace b, 1814 were married and had their children in the Monsea Parish. 

Mary , Honor, John,Patrick, Anne,Bridget all born between 1835 & 1852 and baptised in Monsea.

I would love any information about my ancestors?  Parents? Land? Travel? 

I would also like to find out information on my other side of my family from Cork but i dont have much information. 

Thomas Holly born abt.1793? who married Margaret Noonan abt. 1791?

They had David Holly b.1827 possibly in Fermoy, County Cork. 

Any information would be much appreciated!


Tamzine Manion

Tuesday 25th Apr 2017, 09:08AM

Message Board Replies

  • Hi Tamzin,


    welcome to Ireland Reaching out!

    I can certainly help you with Denis Hingerty and Anne Grace, but you might be better posting onto the Cork area for your Holly relatives.

    if you could email me with what you know about Denis and Anne to and with what information you would like, I will do a search for you! I am afraid with lack of baptismal records in Monsea parish before 1834, finding their parents will be very difficult.

    Looking forward to hearing from you,


    Monsea Tipperary

    Tuesday 25th Apr 2017, 12:03PM

    Hi Tamzine,

    I found some records for the areas the hingertys are from.

    Denis Hingerty, Land Assessment Record for 1848 knigh(same area as Monsea), Co. Tipperary (Ireland Valuation Books 1831-1856).

    Michael Hingerty, born 17th Feb. 1868 Tipperary.

    John Hingerty, born 6th June, 1871 in Toomevara (outskirts of Nenagh).

    William Hingerty, born 23rd Feb. 1867, Toomevara and all 3 had the same father and mother Patrick Hingerty and Mary Ryan.

    There is also a Land Assessment record for Patrick Hingerty for the years 1847 & 1848 for Nenagh, Co. Tipperary.

    This is probably the Patrick Hingerty born to Denis and Anne Grace.

    There are many Graces' still in the monsea/Puckane/Nenagh area and i'm sure Anne has many relations still there. Get in touch with the North Tipp. Genealogical Society here in Nenagh when you arrive and they will be delighted to help you.


    John Kelly (Volunteer,Irelandxo Nenagh)

    Tuesday 25th Apr 2017, 03:02PM
  • Hi John, 

    Thank you so very much for this information.  This information was great, i figured out the link of Patricks children.  there is a Patrick that went to the UK and has very similar information to my Patrick, that made it a little confusing. 

    I cant seem to find the Land assesment record for Denis?  is there a reference number or something that i could use to find it? 

    Lulu - I have sent you an email with my questions.

    Thanks a million!!!


    Thursday 27th Apr 2017, 12:32AM

    Hi Tamzine,


    I will give you the info on how to get Denis's 'Land Assessment Record', here are the details again:

    ​Valuation Office Books 1824-1856

    ​Surname  ​Forename​    Event Year   Date of Valuation  ​Book       County      ​Barony​     ​Parish       Townland

    Hingerty    Denis            1848            11th July, 1848     House     Tipperary   Ormond   Knigh        Ballyhogan


    Google  'Ireland Valuation Books'  look for 'Valuation Books (1824-1856) (NAI)-

    The info is there and its free to look at.

    All the best,

    John Kelly(Nenagh and Surrounds)


    Thursday 27th Apr 2017, 03:11PM
  • Hi Tamzine

    MY birth name is Hingerty. My gt gt grandfather was Patrick Hingerty born Tipperary about 1810.  My Patrick died in Uk in 1866. His son Michael Richard was baptised in Monsea in 1850  before the family came to UK about 1852. They also had a son Denis born in 1837 who came with them. 

    I think your Denis and my Patrick may have been brothers. They were certainly closely related. Patrick born 1842 to your Denis and Anne came to uk and lived in Lancashire. Although I never knew their descendants my dad referred to them as his 2nd cousins. When I moved from Stafford to Salford in 1972 my dad said I should look them up but I wasn't interested in family history then so I never made any contact, a big regret. 

    Michaels son John was my grandfather and his son Willliam born in 1909 my dad. 

    I have lots of information on the family as I have been over to Ireland 3 times to research.

    I'm happy to share with you 

    Carole Poulson (new Hingerty)


    Carole Poulson

    Tuesday 2nd May 2017, 07:09PM
  • I forgot to say that I have the marriage information for the Patrick in Lancashire. His father was Denis. So I'm sure this is your Patrick.

    As Denis and Anne were married in 1834 their Son Patrick would not be unlikely to be on land records in 1847/8. I'm pretty sure that is my gt gt grandfathers record, although I do have details of another Patrick who married a Mary Carroll in 1843 when my Patrick married Bridget Carroll in 1835. All very confusing!

    Carole Poulson

    Tuesday 2nd May 2017, 07:21PM
  • good morning Carole,



    If I can be any help to you, please email me at I've been looking at the Hingerty family for a Tamzine.

    I am not sure if you came across the article of the Hingerty family of Stafford?



    Monsea Tipperary

    Friday 5th May 2017, 08:40AM

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