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I was wondering if anyone would be able to help me locate any information on my great grandmother's mother. 

Her name was Kate Ward. I have no information on her. I know that she died following my great grandmother's birth in 1910. I was unable to find any record on her. 

Her husband was Patrick Duffy Jr b. 10 Sept 1873 in Drumbone. Together they had six children. Ellen (came to New York to an aunt with the last name of O'Dea), Patrick III (went to England and had one son), Mary Anne (came to New York as well), Alice (came to New York too), Bernard (came to South Carolina I believe), and Bridget (my great grandmother who moved to England with her brother and then fell in love and moved to Co Clare to get married and stayed there the rest of her life). 

Anything on the Wards would be great!  

Tuesday 12th Jun 2018, 02:59AM

Message Board Replies

  • SPO:

    Hello again!

    Unfortunately, the Duffys do not appear to have registered birth, marriages and deaths civilly. I can't locate a civil marriage record or a death record for Kate. You have posted in the parish of Magheracloone so I assume Kate Ward was from that parish. Roots Ireland does not have baptismal records for Magheracloone after 1872 and does not have any church marriage records. Maybe you could contact the parish to see if they can locate a record.

    Roger McDonnell

    Castlemore Roscommon, IrelandXO Volunteer ☘

    Tuesday 12th Jun 2018, 04:07PM
  • Hi Roger,


    I contacted the parish about two times in the past year and I have not got a response back. I'm only guessing the Ward was from the area as her husband was. 

    Tuesday 19th Jun 2018, 02:13AM

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