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Q. What is the current name of “Balnalube” Townland in Loughguile? The 1803 Agricultural Census… …identifies many householders in “Balnalube” Townland in Loughguile Parish (see list further below). Unfortunately, I cannot find a likely match for “Balnalube” in the current list of Townlands found in Loughguile Parish: Q. What is the current name of “Balnalube” Townland in Loughguile? Brown, Alexander Brown, James Brown, John Brown, Matthew Brown, William Cafill, John Callin, Alexander Dickey, John Dickey, John Junr. Dillin, Patrick Dinsmore, Adam Dinsmore, Francis Ellit, Adam Ellit, Andrew Foster, David Fourd, David Fourd, John Fouurd, Andrew Gray, Samuel Henrey, Hugh Henrey, John Henrey, Matthew Henrey ?, Hugh Kean, Henrey Kean, Hugh McAlonon, James McClelon, John McClurd, Samuel McClurd, William McCollum, Joseph McGerle, James McGerle, John McIlhaton, Brine McIlhaton, Daniel McKillen, Dines O'Kean, James Richard, Hugh Richard, Hugh Smyth, Alexander Stuart, Charles Stuart, Widow Stuart, William Thompson, David Thompson, William Tweed, John Walker, Alexander Walker, Hugh Walker, John Of the surnames listed above, I am also interested in any details that anyone may have on the following families of “Balnalube”: Brown McIlhaton/McIlhatton Stewart/Stuart


Friday 14th Dec 2018, 01:48AM

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