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Looking for more information on Johanna Reidy, born 1839 in Tralee parish and died Jan 1909 in Shanaknock, Kerry.

She married Jeremiah Clifford (1829-1902), also from the same places as above. I'd like any information on her parents and/or their marriage date. They are my second great grand-parents on my maternal side. 

Thank you,

Carolyn Toohey


Sunday 31st Jan 2021, 07:15AM

Message Board Replies

  • Carolyn,

    There are many Kerry baptism/marriage records at, which is free to use. You might also search on, which is a paid database. Good luck.


    Sunday 31st Jan 2021, 05:11PM
  • Hi Patricia,

    Yes, I have searched, but not the paid site.





    Sunday 31st Jan 2021, 06:19PM
  • Hi Carolyn,

    On a quick search I have found 2 Joanna/Johannah Reidys born  1838 and baptised in Tralee Roman Catholic Parish. Do you have another document which leads you to a birth in 1839?

    Some of the Ballymac R. C. records are available here . from 1868. Some of these records did not make it into so worth a search.  Have you managed to find a marriage cert. for Jeremiah and Johanna?

    Lookig forward to hearing from you.


    Griffith's Valuation (land taxation record) 1853

    Griffith's Valuation Record Information

    TenantFamily Name 1CLIFFORD Forename 1JEREMIAH

    LandlordFamily Name 2VENTRY Forename 2LORD

    Location CountyKERRY


    Union TRALEE ParishO'BRENNAN


    Place TypeTOWNLAND

    Publication DetailsPosition on Page6

    Printing Date1853

    Martine, IrelandXO Volunteer ☘

    Monday 1st Feb 2021, 02:13PM
  • Hi Martine,

    Thanks for, I do not have a marriage record. The birthdate of 1839 is from the death index that says "about" 1839. Also the 1901 Ireland census has her with a birth year of 1839.

    I realize that those are probably self-reported. Can you tell me where the 1838 birth record is found? I'd love to add that to her profile. Does it indicate her parents as well?

    Thanks for your help!



    Monday 1st Feb 2021, 10:15PM
  • Hi again,

    I forgot to add that I do see three Johanna Reidys on the Ancestry site born in Cork, Kilkenny, and Tralee....where are you looking?




    Monday 1st Feb 2021, 10:24PM
  • Hi Carolyn, I found them on for Tralee Roman Catholic Parish but without a Marriage Cert we cannot verify either one. Are the baptismal sponsors for the children any help?


    Martine, IrelandXO Volunteer ☘

    Wednesday 3rd Feb 2021, 09:41AM
  • Hi Martine,

    First, thanks for the reminder that there are church records for Kerry on the irishgenealogy site....I always just remember Cork! So, I looked at all the nine children, and only the last five of them have records on the Catholic Parish Registry that show the sponsors too....Of the names that appear, the only Reidys are a Jeremia (twice) and a Maria (once), and given that the two 1838 birthdates for Johanna both have mothers named Mary, it doesn't help! But since one of them is Tralee, and the other one is Ballydinlea (wherever that is), I am going with the first result with Bartholomew and Mary Connor as her parents, for now anyhow. Sometimes when one adds a parent name, other hints pop up on Ancestry to either confirm or deny the relationship. 

    Regarding the sponsors, isn't it typically NOT a grandparent of the child?? But rather a sibling or perhaps another relative or friend?  Interestingly, there are three people with the surname Roche (Honoria, Michael, and Maria) who also appear as sponsors to some of their children. Not certain how they are related, if at all.





    Wednesday 3rd Feb 2021, 04:26PM
  • A follow up....when I put in Johanna's parent's names, I did get Ancestry hints for Bartholomew.....unfortunately, it had his wife as a Margaret Connell and listed five children, but no Johanna...oh well.....lots of the same names out there back then!




    Wednesday 3rd Feb 2021, 05:03PM
  • More, just now.....I found a marriage record on the Catholic Parish Registers for Bartholomew and Mary.....the image and transcription don't completely jive, but I think that whomever wrote the transcription got it clearly says Reidy, they wrote Reedy, and Mary's name is Connor....they put an "O" in front and wrote "Oconnor"

    The date is Jan 1825 which works for a birth of Johanna in 1838.....I think that there were probably other siblings in between

    Also, interestingly, one of the names for the marriage witness is a Daniel O'Sullivan, and there was a Michael O'Sullivan on Johanna's birth document as a sponsor...

    Sorry I cannot find all this information and send just one reply to you!!



    Wednesday 3rd Feb 2021, 06:06PM
  • One more question because I really don't get the Griffith's Valuation....the one you posted with Lord Ventry as the landowner.....I see two of them with Jeremiah as the tenant and Ventry as the do you know which one it is???? Does it mean that Jeremiah leased two areas from him?




    Wednesday 3rd Feb 2021, 06:13PM
  • Martine,

    I also found two siblings for Johanna that I think fit....Elizabeth (1830) and Patrick (1837)......pretty big gap between 1825 marriage date, first child, and then Patrick in 1837 though...??? There are birth records with Barthlomew and Mary.



    Thursday 4th Feb 2021, 12:04AM
  • Martine,

    I guess I am answering my own question above as I went to the church records site for Kerry, and found five more O'Reidy children:  Bartholomew (27 Feb 1826), Thomas (4 Dec 1827),

    Cain (12 March 1832), John (2 Feb 1834), and Ann (16 Feb 1835). This fills in the spaces in years that I spoke of above.

    I found it interesting that all of the sponsors, except one name had an "O" in front of their name.....I'm not sure if that is their name or if it was just some tradition to add it in the records.??

    Bartholomew (their father) has the "O" appearing and disappearing in the records too.




    Thursday 4th Feb 2021, 04:35PM
  • Dear Carolyn, Reidy and Reedy are the same name. O'Connor and Connor are the same name. Irish surame spellings were not formalised until as late as the 1930s in some cases. The most accurate way for you to discover Joanna's parents names would be to build your tree out and forward from what you can verify in hopes that another branch of your family may have the information you seek. Also you could contact Ballymacelligott Parish Church to see if they have  the original marriage record. Re. Griffith's Valuation,Jeremiah may well have rented more than one piece of land, that was common. It is always worhwhile to Google the family name with the townland to see if other people are researching this family. Also there are some excellent videos available on youtube which will give you many helpful tips.


    Martine, IrelandXO Volunteer ☘

    Friday 12th Feb 2021, 01:20PM

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