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Hello, looking for a Martin Nalty, born in 1853?? Maybe from Cong.



Saturday 3rd Dec 2022, 09:24PM

Message Board Replies

  • MLS: I searched the subscription site Roots Ireland and did not locate any Martin Nalty/Nulty baptismal records in Mayo around 1853. The Cong baptismal records do not start until 1870 which may explain not finding a record. Any other clues regarding his family? Roger McDonnell

    Castlemore Roscommon, IrelandXO Volunteer ☘

    Sunday 4th Dec 2022, 12:51AM
  • Forgive me for taking so long to find any more information on my family! I now believe I am looking for 1. Patrick Nalty or McNalty born about 1825 in Ireland (or a crazy note somewhere said, "Liverpool , England) 2. He might have emigrated to the US about 1847 3. He might have been from Wexford, Ireland or a Sweetwater County, Ireland (does such a county still exist? did it ever exist? or is it from the imagination of one of my elderly relatives? 4. The possible parents might be Thomas Nalty and Bridget Burke. 5. Patrick might have married a Bridget Hyland or Hyland just before coming to the US. All these are just bits of information I am findig in pieces of paper from my now-deceased relatives. If any of this helps, or you can point me in the right direction, I will appreciate it very, very much. Mary Lou Surgi


    Friday 13th Jan 2023, 02:09AM

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