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Hi guys, not research here, but help with a potential ancestor. Mum had her children in Enniscorthy and was admitted to the Enniscorthy asylum in 1895. She died in the Enniscorthy asylum 5 years later in 1900.  One of her boys also died in the same asylum in 1917, a bachelor aged 41, after being admitted in 1906 (unclear as to if this was a complete stay)

However, I have records of him being admitted in 1899 aged 25 to an Industrial Ragged school Liverpool, (sister next of kin in Liverpool) and discharged 1902 aged 29 c/o friends in Liverpool. Again not sure if a complete stay.

I can't fathom this scenario. I have found a potential birth record that may pleace him being born in Wexford too.  Was it a thing that he would relocate to Liverpool and then return to Wexford? Hoping someone has the knowledge.


Friday 14th Apr 2023, 02:28PM

Message Board Replies

  • Without his name or the Mothers names I cannot research the trail.
    There may be more than one with the same names.
    But yes, this did happen going to England and returning back to Ireland and also the opposite way.


    Sunday 16th Apr 2023, 09:13AM
  • Hi Margot. He was Christy Howard, I assume it was Christopher and Mum was Mary Howard, formerly Leary. I do have Christy's admission and discharge from Liverpool Ragged school and I have his death registration and hs Mum's death registration from the Enniscorthy asylum. I am just not sure that these folk are definitely connected to other folk in the family as I can't find Mary's wedding to husband Michael Howard, I assume c 1864 as this was when the first daughter Margaret Howard was born. I have all these records.

    Thanks Steph


    Friday 21st Apr 2023, 05:59PM

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