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I'm an American, and I've recently moved to Ireland.
Two of my maternal great-grandparents are from Lissycasey:
John Scanlon (b. 1856) and Mary Doohan (b. 1863) married, and gave birth to my maternal grandfather, Thomas Scanlon. (see attachment)
My mother (who is now 94) visited Ireland many years ago, and she said she went to the road the Doohans and Scanlons lived on in Lissycasey (according to her, the Doohans and the Scanlons lived on the same road, on opposite sides).
My mother visited descendants of the family, still living in one of the houses, and had a very nice visit with them.
Unfortunately, my mother is no longer able to locate the address information for the families.
We visited Lissycasey this past week, hoping we could find the families' homes, and to see if they're still standing.
Unfortunately, despite our best efforts, we turned up empty.
I wondered if you might know anything about my ancestors in your area, and if you have the street addresses for the two families' homes.
Would be very grateful for any information.

Stephen in Carlow

Monday 2nd Sep 2024, 07:26PM

Message Board Replies

  • I found this marriage cert online for a John Doohan and Mary Scanlan  6th February 1910. Mary is the daughter of a Thomas Scanlan, Cappanageragh , Lisseycasey. Could this be connected to your family?



    Tuesday 3rd Sep 2024, 09:45AM

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