
Richard Bradburn 17751775

Richard Bradburn 1775

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Richard Bradburn was born in 1775 in Drung, Cavan, Ireland. He married Margaret McDowell on August 4, 1799, in his hometown. They had eight children in 17 years.

Spouse  Margaret McDowell


  • Richard Bradburn was born in 1775 in Kilnacross, Drung Parish, Cavan, Ireland

  • 4 AUG 1799    AGE 24   Marriage

    Richard Bradburn married Margaret McDowell in Drung, Cavan, Ireland, on August 4, 1799, when he was 24 years old.


    His son Edward was born in 1800 in Drung, Cavan, Ireland.

  • His daughter Mary Jane was born on February 28, 1802, in Drung, Cavan, Ireland.  She married William VanCamp in Durham Co, Ontario, Canada abr 1820.  Mary Jane passed away on February 18, 1845, in Darlington, Ontario, Canada at the age of 42.
  • His daughter Jane was born in 1803 in Drung, Cavan, Ireland.

  • His son Thomas was born in 1805 in Drung, Cavan, Ireland.His daughter Ann was born in 1807 in Drung, Cavan, Ireland.  Ann passed away on April 7, 1869, in New South Wales, Australia, at the age of 62.


  • His daughter Margaret was born in 1810 in Drung, Cavan, Ireland.

  • His daughter Elizabeth was born in 1812 in Drung, Cavan, Ireland.

  • His son George was born in 1817 in Drung, Cavan, Ireland.  George passed away on September 22, 1864, in New South Wales, Australia, at the age of 47

Additional Information
Date of Birth 1st Jan 1775 (circa)


  • Hi


    Bit of a long shot, I am trying to find a Mary Ann BRADBURN who married John ALLELY and went on the have children in or around 1817 I think in possibly, Clones, Co Monaghan. Three of their children emigrated to Kent, Ontario, Canada.

    Any help would be greatly appreciated.


    Thursday 23rd May 2019 08:40PM
  • Hi Beth from Australia

    Anne Bradburn is my gggrandmother. Anne was baptised in Drung Corkhill County Cavan 9/11/1800 and died 7/4/1869 buried in St Johns C of E Boong District Cemetry Section 2 e/f 3. Her parents are Edward Mountbaton Bradburn and Elizabeth Hunter.

    Arriving in Sydney Australia in January 1842 aboard the "Wilson" with husband William Carthrite (Cartwright), sons William 9yrs and John 7yrs. Anne couldn't read or write. Two other children are born in Australia Richard William 1844 and Mary Ann 1847

    Son William married Isabella Laverty in 1832 (surname is spelt as Carthrite) and had 12 children (I won't list all) my grandmother Ellen Rosanna b 1872. Ellen married William Murphy in 1900 had six children my father being the youngest born in 1911. They lived in the Tuena area near Goulburn in New South Wales & owned properties there. Some descendants are still there. 
    This adds to your research I have more details if you need on the Australian branch





    Wednesday 11th November 2020 10:06PM
  • Happy to share Bradburn info I have from Drung - my email is


    Deb McAuslan

    Thursday 12th November 2020 03:24PM

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