
Robert Brennan1845

Robert Brennan 1845

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Robert Brennan was born in March 1845. His parents were James Brennan and Jane O'Donnell and they lived in Glenfad townland. The 1851 census showed that James and Jane had nine children living with them but possibly their were older children on their own. Robert was the second youngest child.

James Brennan was listed in the Griffiths Valuation of 1857 but likely died before 1864. His widow Jane and Robert and his sister Catherine left Belfast in March 1865 on the ship Stadacona. They arrived in Philadelphia in early April. Many of Jane's older children had settled in South Philadelphia.

Robert married Catherine McFadden on November 27th, 1873 at St. Patrick's church at 20th and Locust Sts,. in Philadelphia. Robert was a coffee grinder and had a liqour store in the late 1800s. The couple had thirteen children but only six survived infancy and one of the six died at age 5. 

Robert died August 20th 1912 at age 67.

Additional Information
Date of Birth 1st Mar 1845
Date of Death 20th Aug 1912

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