
Brian Byrne's article in Kilcullen Diary Ireland VIEW SOURCE
James Boylan's profile on Ancestry Ireland VIEW SOURCE
Locating the likely house of James Boylan Ireland VIEW SOURCE
James Boylan1806

James Boylan 1806

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Place of migration
Migrated to/Born in USA

James Boylan was born in Kilcullen in 1806 to John Boylan and his wife (possibly Mary McGeer). Family lore has it that he "lived to be 100" but in fact he was 90 when he died in 1897. He was the local tailor and made the uniforms for the army officers at the Curragh Camp and also for the Kildare Hunt.

He married Catherine Farrell (1810-1881) and they had 7 children - Maria 1833, John 1834, Anne 1836, Mary 1838, Roseanna 1839 (my great grandmother), James 1841 and Kate 1843. I took my Dad and aunt down to Kilcullen in 2010 and met with local historian and author Brian Byrne. He has written a very nice write up of the family history for his blog, the Kilcullen Diary ...

Using a combination of online records and Valuation Office records & maps, I was able to locate the house where James lived over 150 years ago ...

James had a brother called William (born 1804) who became a Captain in the US Navy, married 3 times, and amassed a small fortune in real estate. His descendants will be visiting Kilcullen in April. My family tree is publicly available on Ancestry here ... I would be interested in making contact with any Boylan or Farrell cousins.





Additional Information
Date of Birth 30th Dec 1806 VIEW SOURCE
Date of Death 29th Jan 1897 VIEW SOURCE

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