Kilcullen (Kildare)

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The Cross and Passion College was built in 1886. 

It is a convent school. 

It has been renovated a number of times over the years. 


Inventory of Architectural Heritage Ireland VIEW SOURCE

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  • A very old building. Architectural monument. This is a very important place, as the education of the 19th century was formed here. Now a lot of students are working on writing an essay that will reveal the mystery of this place. It seems to me that the best way to do this is using the Essayexaminer. You will always find the best writers there, as well as reviews on services that will really help you in writing historical material. Thank you very much for the photos. Hope many students around the world could see this place because now universities try to take an example from this school.


    Friday 24th December 2021 03:49PM

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