Place of migration
Migrated to/Born in USA

James was born in Downpatrick, County Down.  Died on Jan. 7, 1944, in Hudson County, New Jersey, USA. He married Catherine Theresa McKeown on November 26, 1905.  They had 5 children, Elizabeth, Arthur, James, Kathleen and Samuel.  Catherine Theresa was born in 1878 and died in 1947.  When in Ireland, she resided at 5 Belgrade St in Belfast (per her marriage certificate).

James emigrated to NYC, USA in 1922.  His son Arthur followed in 1924 and the remainder of the family arrived on Sept. 4,1926.  He was a glazier and carpenter. His mother's name was Elizabeth A. O'Pray (?-1891); father's name was James McCarty (1843-1896).  Elizabeth and James McCarty were married on Oct. 12,1869 in the RC Chapel of Downpatrick, County Down.

James McCarty's parents were Thomas McCarty, a Butcher, and Ellen born in 1816 and died on Jan. 5, 1896 (per marriage certificate of James McCarty and Elizabeth O'Pray).

Elizabeth O'Pray's father George was a shoe maker.

Additional Information
Date of Birth 5th Jan 1881 (circa)
Date of Death 7th Jan 1944

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