Place of migration
Migrated to /Born in Canada

I have learned very little about Hugh. He had two sons, John, my great grandfather, and Daniel, both born in Canada and moving as adults to the US in the 1880s. Family oral history has Hugh arriving in Canada through Quebec in 1847, but I have been unable to establish that conclusively. I believe he died in 1910 in Ontario, but I don't have that nailed down. The cited baptismal record is the only Hugh McCormick I have located anywhere in Ireland of the correct age to have emigrated then. I would be very appreciative of any thoughts that might help establish that this is the correct Hugh. Ironically, in 2019, before I found this baptism, my wife and I were in Lisburn researching some of her ancestors! To have been 10 miles away from Dromore and not have known its possible importance is unfortunate. But I am hoping, if I can get any further info, to visit Dromore next year, in 2025. And if there are any related McCormicks still living in the area, I would be interested in meeting them. Thanks for any advice you can extend!

Additional Information
Date of Birth 1st Jan 1826 VIEW SOURCE
Date of Death 1st Jan 1910 (circa)

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